Welcome to our Privacy Notice. The Tinzon Group is an international alliance of independently owned and operated Executive Search firms. The member firms operate under the governing laws and regulations in their local market and are thus compliant with their respective locally applicable data protection legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation in respect of personal data, as well to safeguarding the rights and freedoms of natural persons whose information they collect. This website is designed with the purpose of re-directing you to our members respective websites where you then may decide to share your personal data.

The Tinzon Group does not collect or process any personal data via this website other than the use of anonomyous Google Analytics data as described below. Our definition of personal data is inline with the definition found on the ICO.org.uk website.

We use Google Analytics to better understand what people look at on our website.

When people visit our site, information about their visit (such as which pages they look at, how long they spend on the site and so on) is sent in an anonymous form to Google Analytics (which is controlled by Google). The data contains information about anyone who uses our website from your computer, and there is no way to identify individuals from the data. We ensure that no personally identifiable information is ever contained within the data sent to our analytics providers, and we also perform a process which partially obscures your IP address information. As analytics information is not personal data, we do not specifically ask for your prior consent.